Monday, January 6, 2020

How can the prison system rehabilitate prisoners so that...

The prison system is one that is looked upon as a part of our society that is needed yet doesn t work. Like Jim Hightower said in 1988, Do something, if it doesn t work, do something else. Since the rehabilitation process doesn t work, we must do something about it. We must change the rehabilitation process so that it actually works and prisoners that are released come out of prison as new men with pride and a feeling that they belong outside the gates. How can the prison system rehabilitate prisoners so that they will enter the society as equals? Prison inmates, are some of the most maladjusted people in society. Most of the inmates have had too little discipline or too much, come from broken homes, and have no self-esteem. They†¦show more content†¦Also, being released from prison gives the former inmates a disadvantage compared to others. For instance, members of the group might not be as open or show emotion because they want to appear tough. Also the members might not express their opinions openly because the others might see it as snitching. For the group to work it takes a dedicated counselor (Bennett, 1978). Some believe that a way to stop crime is to punish criminals much more. This was contradicted by what Mr. Resko stated. Punishment did nothing for the felon except make him warier, more cunning, and more inclined to violence. Punishment was not the answer to the financial and moral problems generated by the increasing number of prisons and prisoners. Punishment, whether it is corporal, psychological or not the answer. Not for the con or for his respectable brother. (Schneider, 1996) Another type of correctional center used for rehabilitation is halfway houses. Halfway houses are usually located in residential communities and are aimed to keep offenders in the community. The name comes from the fact that they are halfway between the community and the prison (Fox, 1977). 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