Thursday, February 27, 2020

Our impact on the environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Our impact on the environment - Essay Example ties includes the element of pollution, which is currently a major global threat that has been increasing in a dramatic rate due to the increase of industrialization and other human activities that involve use of energy. This essay is going to focus on the impacts of human activities on the environment, analyze how different sources of energy affect the environment as well recommend usage of the most sustainable and friendly sources of energy. Carried out studies have proven that one of the major factors contributing to the high levels of pollution to the environment is the type of sources of energy that human beings use in fueling their industrial activities (Jaccard 63). Most of these sources of energies used in almost all countries are nonrenewable and highly unsustainable, a factor that have made them a chief threat to the environment (Jaccard 65). However, some sources are known to have more adverse effects to the environment than others with oil, coal and natural gas being the main sources that environmentalists blame much for the high level of pollution in the modern world. Statistics show that oil is the most common source of energy with oil being used to fuel over 80% of all the activities undertaken on daily basis such as in factories, cooking and for transport. However, combustion of oil leads to emission of greenhouse gases that have detrimental effects to the environment (Curley 95). The main constituents of products released after burning oil, natural gas and coal are carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide that have significantly contributed to global warming or climate change. In addition, combusted fossil fuels lead to formation of other harmful gases which ends up forming acids such as carbonic acids and sulfuric acid. Carbon dioxide and suphurous gaseous produces once fossils are combusted combine with moisture or rain in the atmosphere to form acidic rainfall. Acidic rains are a major threat to plant and fish health once they get on to the ground.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Nonverbal Communication - People Watching Assignment

Nonverbal Communication - People Watching - Assignment Example One of the men was in looking quite older than the other man looks. The older man was predictably in his early sixties because of the gray hair while the other man could be in his mid-twenties. Outwardly, the two men were like a father and a son. This could be judged from the gestures of the old man. He wanted to pamper the young man like someone talking to a child. From the facial expressions, they seemed to be discussing a very emotional issue. The old man who was sitting directly opposite me was frowning his face was frowning his face as the young man was talking. Occasionally, they could talk until the young man could be too emotional to the extent that the old man gave him a tissue to wipe his tears. Unfortunately, they realized that most some of the people were looking at them; they decided to clear the bill and walked out of the restaurant. From the window, I could see the old man trying to comfort the young man and hug him before entering their car and driving away. From the discussion, the five nonverbal methods of communication are crucial. Types of nonverbal in communication gestures, body movement, facial expression, proxemics, and haptics. However, eye contact is critical in a conversation is used as an indication of how much someone is interested in the conversation. If someone is not interested in a discussion then, the eye contact would not be maintained, and very many things would be diverting the attention from the conversation. Another important type of nonverbal is body movement. The body movement can also indicate how much someone is listening and concentrated in a conversation. However, all the types of nonverbal methods of communication are very crucial but they are much dependent in the event of communicating or conversing. Docan-Morgan, Tony, Valerie Manusov, and Jessica Harvey. "When a Small Thing Means so Much: Nonverbal Cues as Turning